MCAS: Student Responsibilities
Student Responsibilities during MCAS Testing
I understand that my MCAS test results may be invalidated if I do any of the following:
discuss test content with a student who has not tested yet
duplicate, photograph, or copy any portion of the tests from my computer screen
access prohibited materials such as cell phones, calculators on noncalculator tests or sessions, or other electronic devices (e.g., music players, game consoles, any device capable of taking photographs) for any purpose
communicate with other students (e.g., chatting, texting, email) during testing
ask for or receive help from anyone (except for reporting a concern about a test question to a test administrator, and except for asking for help with a technology issue or an administration-related question)
provide help to another student
consult notes, books, or extra reference sheets or materials during testing
access any other websites during testing with the following exceptions:
TestNav (the student testing platform)
the video conferencing tool that students will use to communicate with their test administrators (e.g., Google Meet, Zoom)
email for the purpose of retrieving the username and password to sign into the test
Additional student responsibilities during remote MCAS testing
Students must not turn off video during MCAS testing.
Students must use video to show test administrator that my desk is clear before starting testing.
Students must not leave the room during testing without permission from test administrator.
At the end of testing, while on video with the test administrator, Students must tear up any scratch paper used during testing, and discard it.